Cyber risk management services.

Manage cyber security risks to keep data, customers and partners protected

Ensuring your cyber security is up to date with the latest technology

As technology emerges and evolves over time, so do the threats and vulnerabilities — your cyber security has to do the same. Risk management is all about making sure you understand the threats that impact you, and continuously developing your resilience to mitigate them. If overlooked, you could face drastic repercussions: up to 78% of customers would take business elsewhere after a cyber attack, while almost a quarter of businesses suffer reputation loss and other costs after an incident.

How we manage cyber and data risks

Why CSS Assure?

We’re your full cyber and data protection service

We assess and correct your data quality and compliance, then lock it up tight with cyber security. And with ongoing maintenance, we’ll keep it that way. Choose specific services or ask us for the whole package. You’re safe under our protection.

We’re cool-headed in every crisis

Our senior leadership team is made up of military veterans. We’ve dealt calmly with all kinds of crises, in a range of dangerous, high-stress situations. So if we uncover a breach, or you’re under cyber attack, you can expect practical solutions and a voice of reason.

We want to help you understand cyber & data security

We don’t just recommend tech, tick boxes, and leave you to it. We cut the jargon and explain our advice so you know what you’re signing up for. And we offer comprehensive training to ensure compliance throughout your team.